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ok sorry for posting two straight video posts in a row but this is SO good
Sunday, January 29, 2012 || 11:55 AM
w-o-w still can't get over this. if i told you they both weren't straight, would you believe me?!
i know it's just a remake but... but... :')
|| 11:54 AM
random extracts of my life!!!
|| 12:00 AM
#1. I wanted to do an entire post on this... maybe will do one soon still when i'm free. I'll just say this first: WATCH FLIPPED. One of the best shows eva. I promise you it is NOT the usually hollywood-esque show, it's really sweet and adorable and I have the dvd haha so if you want it you can borrow from me!
#2. watched love happens too and sobbed like a baby.... it was OK (quite hollywood.. haha) but just extremely sad super shocked so much salt water could come out of my eyes just by watching a movie....... madness
#3. no i do not have crazy good time management that i can study for tests and still have time to watch movies haha i watched them quite some time ago cause i got the dvds only posting about them now
it's test season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#5. i like my new classmates :-) they're nice and we click pretty well!!!!!
#6. cny was good but i'm wider horizontally now :'( quality time with cousins mua love y'all. unfortunately didn't manage to cram much studying time during cny........ :'''''(
#7. wonderstruck is out!!!! in singapore!! are you as excited as me? :-)
#8. just realised i didn't use capslock in this entire post except for #1. oops.
come morning light, you'll be safe and sound
Sunday, January 15, 2012 || 8:03 PM
This song is so perfect for the hunger games seriously I had this vibe while reading this book it really made me picture Katniss and Rue together... I love Hunger Games so much. I remember when I read it, it was like no one knew what it was and now it's a global phenomenon.
Another thought catalog article because i just love them so much xo
|| 5:10 PM
Getting Someone To Love You More « Thought Catalog
I still see you everywhere I go. The blocks we walked together, the restaurants we ate at, the houses we slept together in: it keeps us barely alive. This restaurant still being here is proof that you once loved me. As long as Joanne Street doesn’t blow up, it will remain a reminder of what happened between us. Maybe if I eat at this restaurant more or move into a house on Joanne Street, it will bring you back. Maybe if I start wearing the shirt you bought for me at Christmas you will just appear to me and things will just go back to normal. (Isn’t it bizarre how we actually believe this is true? After a break up, the things we’re capable of feeling and thinking could honestly get us committed. We’re delusional, we’re not right in the head.)
Do you still think about me like I think about you? No, of course you don’t. If you did, I wouldn’t be writing this. There’d be no inequity in feelings, no chilliness between the sheets, and no “I don’t think this is working out.” I’ve been there before. I’ve been the “I don’t think this is working out” guy and I would kill to do a Freaky Friday on our bodies right now. Being the “I don’t think this is working out” guy means you feel immense amounts of guilt but you’re protected in a cocoon of lovelessness. You know your grieving period will be a blip compared to the other person’s. Wash your hands, get the dirt off, and move on. Mmmmm, you lucky devil, you.
Since you’ve left, I’ve been working out at the gym, doing great at my job, and drinking less wine before bed. I said that I was doing this all for myself, a post break up cleanse of sorts, but that’s not really true. (By the way, 80% of the things I tell myself and my friends for the next 6-9 months will be a lie.) I’m living right these days because, in a way, I’m just waiting for you to come back to me. I’m waiting for you to love me more. It will take me a long time to realize that eating at our restaurant and visiting the places we used to frequent and losing five pounds will not make you love me more. Nothing will. But I’m not ready to learn that lesson yet because the second I do, it means you’re gone forever. And I kind of like holding on to you in this sick and unhealthy way. Getting you to love me more is a fruitless task and one that will surely end in tears, but it gives me purpose. It distracts me from the nothing. So fill me up with as many delusions as you want. They’re the only thing keeping me company these days.
Okay I am just too busy to type my own words but just sharing a thought catalog article cause it's easier
|| 10:46 AM
What Moving On Is Like « Thought Catalog
Moving on is not like a birthday, you can’t count down the hours ‘til it arrives and you can’t mark it on a calendar and you can’t call up your friends to help you celebrate. You can’t plan for it and you can’t conclude it by blowing out a candle. When moving on happens there will be no announcements, no notifications, no congratulations. There will be no parade; only you will know. Moving on is like aging that way, if aging happened backward. If the passing of days made you new and young, if your condition only had room to improve. Instead of a throbbing pain in your right knee forcefully, increasingly making its presence known, first with a whisper and then with a mumble and then with a shout, ‘til you can’t move, ‘til you can’t walk; moving on is gradual like that except when it’s over, you can walk just fine. You can run, even.
Moving on is like this: one day you forget the taste. The next, you forget the smell. Then the touch. Then the laugh. Then the smile. Then the jokes. Then the eyes, the hair, the hands, the feet. You forget the socks. You forget the fingers, the toes, the sex. You forget the pulses, the beats, the rhythms and how you sometimes felt like they all belonged to you. You forget the words; finally, you forget the voice that spoke them. Moving on is like one day, you’re walking or reading or drinking the sun and one of those footprints, one of those artifacts will creep into your consciousness, “already seen,” the French call this, déjà vu, and you won’t know where it belongs or how it got there. All it takes is a familiar laugh, a recognizable word and you are transported to who knows where. You are a confused paleontologist now, scrambling to make sense of things left behind, trying to reunite the right dinosaur with the right bones. The scar from his burst appendix goes here, the part of his leg that doesn’t grow hair belongs there, I think this is his morning breath but maybe it belongs to someone who came before him; some other ghost, some other relic. His taste is an aftertaste now, his crow’s feet a souvenir with no place to call home. That’s what moving on is like.
Moving on is not like beginning a new chapter, it’s like beginning a new book — with each turned page, the last story you read fades into the background. A fairy tale that becomes just another book on a shelf; folded corners and underlined words the only reminder of how you used to touch and hold and love it. Moving on is when you begin to forget the intricacies of a character you knew intimately, you forget what he did for a living and the way he prepared grilled cheese and the nickname he had for his first girlfriend. You forget how he lost his virginity, you forget his middle name.
Moving on is waking up without a sour feeling in your stomach, looking at a familiar menu and ordering something different, taking the direct route to a destination and not the one that crosses a path you once set in stone. Moving on is when you think about him and don’t punish yourself for it, when he begins to evoke more of a scientific response than an emotional one, like “This is a 6’0” blonde-haired person who exists,” and not “This is a person I wish I’d never met; this is a person who has made me less of one.” Moving on is not to destroy or to combust or to set ablaze, it is simply to move, to advance through space and time, to leave behind the familiar dull of heartbreak for the new, the unknown, the strange. Moving on is a bird flying south for the winter who decides maybe the warmth isn’t so bad, who decides maybe he’ll stay there for awhile; moving on is like freedom, is what moving on is like.
Stephanie Geogopulous is my absolute favourite thought catalog writer. All her articles are simple and they hit the nail right on the head. I love Ryan O' Connell too but he's a little too crass and direct for me I guess.
Little thoughts too long to go on twitter
Thursday, January 12, 2012 || 10:09 PM
Ok so way too busy to post anything sorry guys!!! Sec3 has been really busy, no kidding. Yup but I have quite regular updates on my
twitter page so you can go there!! So anyway uh huh saved a blog url because I've had this sugaroverloadonhigh since like primary six and I've realised it makes no sense and no meaning. I've saved sugarmotta.blogspot.com hehe i love it if you like glee you will love it too. Will change it soon maybe ok bye study time
It's 2012!
Sunday, January 1, 2012 || 1:45 AM
OK HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! It's officially 2012. I don't feel much different though although the craziest thing is that I'm upper sec now. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, it was just like yesterday I was in primary school??? Haha oh man. I've already penned down my New Year resolutions, not gonna state all of them here cause I consider them to be quite private I guess but here are a few!! To be nicer and friendly and not so cold towards others and make more eye contact with people lol. Top 12 in class (haha I will try my hardest!! Even though my class is filled with prcs/ china scholars and smartasses). Try my hardest in dance. HAHA OKOK the rest is private but 2012 seems to be zooming by!! Already 2 hours has passed. Before you know it, we'll be facing the zombie apocalypse and we'll all die. Haha ok kidding.
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